Monday, October 29, 2007

A "Grateful" kind of Time

OK, so I've been having a Grateful Dead moment for the last few days. I don't know what's up with me...Aaron buys a V-dub and I regress back to high school. If I start walking around with dreds, please make me go to the spa. And those of you who knew me when I was 16-ish know I could very well walk in one day with a dredlock...been there, done that.

I have to say though, the music is keeping me flowing this afternoon...and that's an oxymoron b/c who would have thought Grateful Dead would keep me working? If this were high school, I'd be high....say hello to the gravity bong in the bathtub, although I do remember this one time at Parker's house where SOMEONE lit my shoe on fire. Yeah great idea guys...let's smoke Carrie's hemp shoes! Yeah, that worked real well, didn't it? And then I remember a time when I was hanging with the surfers in OBX and we were going down to Pea, longest, strangest trip I'd ever been on...literally. What was up with Sabastian and his dancing tattoo? Wtf? I swear it was doing back flips right there on his chest. And what a nice surfer chest....yes, I had a thing for surfers. Of course, he wasn't the one I really liked. It's funny, I married a surfer...haha...And there was this other time we piled in a car- seriously looking like clowns in a VW bug, and we crashed this preppy's party. We had that sweet smell on our clothing and probably coming out of our pores...we told them it was Patchouly. (Enter paranoid delusions.) I don't think the preppys were the same after that night. Half of them came to school the next Monday wearing Birkenstocks. Great party!

Other grateful moments were of course concerts and parking lots, where one miracle was all I needed. Yeah, you know what I mean by a, not that kind...I didn't need free drugs...I mean a ticket, man. Man, I wonder whatever happened to Dave? I'm sure he's around somewhere, but he was my favorite tour hippie. He'd show up every so often...right there on the doorstep, with a warm bear hug and stories from the road. He was that kind of hippie who broguht happiness with him...pure happiness, the kind of happiness people have from within and it just overflows to whomever will accept it. (no, not drug induced happiness!) Dave was a dude I went to middle school with but we went to separate high schools. He was at Meadowbrook, a primarly African American school, but he got along with everyone because of that happiness. It had a calming effect on everyone he was around, an almost religious effect. Hard to explain, but easy to remember. Hrm, maybe this should be a blog...yeah I could write a bit about Dave...look for a blog later.

Well, got to go back to reality. I do have a couple courts I need to call and finish up that monthly report for Wayne. Which, I'm still waiting for his files, so this could be an interesting end of the month. Oh well, a little Dead in my ear, I'll figure it out.

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