Monday, October 27, 2008

Step 1: Read the directions.

A couple nights ago I could not get to sleep. I was up early that morning and ran all day. All I wanted to do when I got home was to have a nice hot cup of tea and relax. I had bought some Yogi tea earlier and thought that would be the perfect thing to wind down after a long hectic day. So, I brewed up some tea, held it in my hands and breathed in the aroma.

That's really my favorite part of tea. Breathing in the steam. I think there's something therapeutic in the steam.

An hour passed and I was feeling a little more relaxed, but I wasn't tired. So, I brewed another cup. And I sat, breathed in the steam and watched another show on TV. And then I had my third cup, and a forth and before I know it I had drank 7 cups of this lovely, relaxing Yogi tea. When 5am rolled around and I had done my 5th load of laundry, made a 4th wire-wrapped necklace, 2nd bracelet, 3rd pair of earrings and cleaned the downstairs bathroom top to bottom, I wondered why the hell I was still up. I decided to go back and read the box of tea.

Yeah, it was Green Tea with extra anti-oxidants to aid in energy and digestion. Uh, yeah so I just didn't go to sleep that night. I think I may have taken a nap around 3pm...for an hour, maybe two because the phone started ringing with bond calls. The story of my life.

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