In this picture, I've planted onions, strawberries, spinach, lettuce, red cabbage, broccoli and brussels sprouts.

In this picture, I've planted two different types of tomatoes on one side and cukes, yellow squash and zucchini on the other. There's a line of corn down the middle. I saw the corn at the nursery and thought they were kind of cute. It's probably going to be like a St. Bernard puppy, really freaking cute until it grows to adulthood. Well, at least corn doesn't slobber all over the place.
So while the garden is a big project, I've also been working on my jewelry. I was a vendor in the Fool for Art show at John Tyler Community College. I'm really thinking I won't be doing that again because I basically sold enough to cover the cost of the booth- $75. There was a different vibe this year at the show and I think it has a lot to do with the way John Tyler advertised the event. They really focused on advertising to the "free kid stuff" as opposed to the vendors. Aaron theorized that they had a budget cute somewhere and used the vendor money to promote the kid stuff. That kind of sucked.
Two weeks later I had the Arts in the Park, which is a two day show. I was a bit nervous going in because of how poorly Fool for Art was. I am happy to report I did MUCH better. The year before it rained the entire time, which made the weekend miserable. I still managed to sell quite a bit and expected to make more money thins year since the weather was going to be wonderful. And I did. And let me tell you, it's so much fun to be at an art show and have people come into your booth to oooooh and aaahhh over everything. The coolest thing I sold at the show were the two pieces of driftwood I was using for my display. I'm actually really excited about going back to my friend in Manteo to tell him I sold them. He's going to get a real kick out of it since we were just joking about it last time I was in the shop.
Some new stuff...I've recently been knotting jewelry and wrapping a lot of beach glass. I've actually been thinking of taking a metal class but since my last close call with the torch, I'm not sure Aaron is too excited about that.
Of course, we've been writing bonds, hunting fugitives and juggling the professional side of life. I wish I had more exciting tales of stupid fugitive mishaps, but the most interesting story I have right now is the woman I almost cold-cocked down the stairs because she refused to stay inside while we escorted her husband back to jail. Hrm, maybe I will write about that a little later. For now, I'm going to watch a little TV and maybe make a pair of earrings.
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